ICCCER-2024 Editorial Board

Dr. Selly Kimosop

Prof. Dr. Fredrick Nyamwala

Dr. Denyse Snelder

Dr. Rose Ramkat

Prof. Juana Canet Rosello

Dr. Michelle Eichinger

Dr. Charles Rono

Dr. Elvire Sossa

Prof. Fredrick O. Kengara

Prof. Simon M. Onywere

Dr. Nixon Ronoh

Editorial and Review Guidelines

The submissions will be subjected to a double-blind peer-review process to assess the overall quality and relevance, technical and ethical aspects, innovativeness, impact and sustainability of the work. In general, the assessment of the publications will be based on the committee on publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. On acceptance of the abstracts, the authors will be notified and guided on full paper submissions. ICCCER-2024 is committed to publishing the accepted work as indexed conference proceedings in conjunction with the supporting refereed publishers’ editorial guidelines.

Editorial Board and Review Team

Editorial: The editorial team is an important organization arm of the conference. It is composed of a team of professionals with expertise drawn from various fields of careers, and who bring with them a wealth of research experience. The appointment of the editors is based on expertise, career activity and portfolios relevant to climate change and ecosystem restoration. 

Responsibilities of the editors: Timely expert advice on matters relevant to the various sub-themes, ensuring compliance of the review guidelines of the submission, promoting the conference thematic areas in their professional networks, providing quality assessments of the submissions, assisting in selection and appointment of suitable reviewers, engaging the editorial  reviewers on the suitability of submissions, recommending and engaging potential keynote speakers and potential sponsors of the conference, and any other responsibility as may be requested by the conference organizers.

Internal review team: The review team is an essential component of the editorial office given their pivotal role in the review process. In consultation with the lead thematic editors, the internal review team assists in merited evaluations of submissions. The team also assists in the assessment of peer-reviewer portfolios and appointments for peer-review.  

Peer-reviewers: Peer-reviewers will assess and recommend for consideration/acceptance of the submitted work based on the technical quality, relevance of the work to the overall theme, quality of the methodology, innovativeness, presentation and coherence of the key sections of the work, ethical aspects, sustainability and the impact of the work. The peer-review team is sourced mainly from the active global networks of experts through invitation.

Conference committee

The conference committee is a joint committee composed of members appointed by the two organizations (Moi University and The Restoration Alliance) partnering in the organization of the ICCCER-2024. The conference committee is charged with the comprehensive planning, coordination, logistics, program oversight and reporting.

The Conference Committee members include Kenfrey Kipchumba, Dr. Rose Ramkat, Prof. Fredrick Nyamwala, Dr. Nixon Ronoh, Dr. Charles Rono, Dr. Selly Kimosop, Nicholas Bett, Dorothy Jerono, Dr. Charles Mutai, Dr. Edna Milgo, Naomi N. Nkonge, Brian Kiptoo, Christopher Kandie, Judy Kipkenda, Emmanuel Kipkorir, Dr. Njira Njira, Dr. Sarah Chepkwony, Noah Kiprop, Gladys Cheruiyot and David Chemweno, Margaret Nyangige Obogo, Lawrence Okello, Janet Jepkorir Kurui

Abstract Submission Closed