The abstract must be written in English, single spaced, and should have a maximum of 300 words: Times New Roman, font 10.
The title of the abstract should be aligned to at least one of the sub themes listed above and should appear in bold, in sentence case, and centred.
The co-authors and affiliations should be placed below the title in italics; (the main author’s name should be underlined, and the name of the presenting author should be marked with an asterisk (*). The main author should provide full address and contact details, including the email address of the presenting author.
The use of figures, graphs and schemes is recommended.
References, in Vancouver output style, should be listed at the end of the text where applicable.
Authors should use one of the abstract templates provided in the links below.
A confirmation mail will be sent in regards to receiving your abstract, and if no mail has been received within one week, please contact the conference coordinator.
Peer Review Process
Submitted abstracts will go through a double-blind peer review process. On acceptance, participants will be notified and guided on full paper submission.
The evaluation process will consider relevance to the overall theme, innovativeness and research methodology and impact of the results or the presentation amongst other factors.
Papers that are accepted will be published as indexed conference Proceedings.